Luxulyan Valley and William West-Some links

Its a new year, a new series of posts and a new William West talk to prepare for.  Luxulyan Valley is the theme for this one, although as of yet I am not quite sure on the direction my exploration will take me. But as a start I have thrown together a set of potential web resources, and I will see where the research will lead. This post will no doubt be added  to over the next couple months, so If you are interested in the Luxuyan Valley’s industrial history, keep popping back to this blog to have a look.


William Westwpid-screenshot_2015-08-21-17-43-45.png

Luxulyan Valley



Treffry Tramways

Cornwall Minerals Railway

Fowey Consols

Joseph Treffry (Austin)

The Newquay and Cornwall Junction Railway

A Kindle Bookshelf on Cornish Railways
